The Real Cost of Assisted Living Near You
If you’re reading this, you’re probably expecting facts and figures that promise worry-free living for your loved ones. But if you thought child care was expensive, caring for Mom and Dad can get even more pricey!
The average cost of assisted living in the US is currently $4,500 a month, but many of the modifications Independent Home Solutions offers have financing options to keep independence accessible for a wide array of budgets. Price aside, here are the real costs of assisted living near you:
Their Autonomy
How would you feel if, after decades of helping others and making wild memories, you were reduced to something the size of your childhood bedroom? Sure, life may seem like a dream if you had 3 square meals prepared for you every day, friends right next door, and someone checking in on you regularly. But to us, it seems like reverting back to childhood. As we look to a comprehensive study on assisted living in partnership with the US Committee on Aging, we’re not alone.

The study revealed evidence of social stigma that manifested through the labeling and language of assisted living in general. This is typical for the generation that jumped out of planes over the Pacific and built America as we know it. There is a very real, very old social stigma attached to needing help amongst the elderly, and assisted living presents complications that can be either felt internally or shown externally in moodiness and even complex mental disorders.
If left unchecked, this stigma all too often leads to self-isolation or shunning of the elderly in society. By taking away familiar environments and routines, mental conditions like dementia and depression can compound much quicker. All this leads to a lower quality of life that could be avoided by gradually changing just a few things around the house. Sure, an accessible shower may cost more than a month living somewhere else, but the real cost of assisted living near you can cost much more than you bargained for in the long run.
Their Privacy
Nothing is more embarrassing than having to call your loved one to help you out of the shower, but if you searched this topic, you likely already know why. If your parents helped you through the many embarrassing phases of your life, you owe it to them to save them a little embarrassment as well. Showers and baths are supposed to be a private time to reflect and unwind. But how easy is it for you to relax when someone’s giving you a sponge bath?
Even out of the shower, some of our customers enjoy a private moment in their own garden or backyard. That’s something you won’t get with assisted living. Every assisted living facility needs to adhere to strict codes regarding ramps and stairlifts, and so do our installers. To get the same safety as an assisted living facility at home, every option we install is professionally installed and personally trusted. When you consider the real costs of assisted living, losing independence comes with a hefty toll on your loved ones.
Their Pride and Joy
How easy was it to ask your parents to stop driving for their safety? Even if they’re still great drivers, asking someone to give up the home they worked so hard for is a monumental ask. When someone is committed to an assisted living facility, their pride and zest for life can go just as fast as their estate sale. How do you ask someone to say goodbye to decades of memories in their home? It’s simple; you don’t.

If you’re already helping clean or mow the lawn, you’re helping your loved ones more than you know. Psychologists recognize that retaining control over the places where people find themselves at least somewhat familiar is comforting and supportive for cognition. This is especially true when other factors in life are beyond their control. In many installations, our customers share the many memories of their households—memories that can be lost if they lose their independence.
The Bottom Line
At Independent Home Solutions, we don’t hide any fees or costs to make a profit. We see the customers we serve as independent, vibrant, interesting people. Before you sign on that dotted line, think of the real costs of assisted living near you. Contact us to talk about financing options, and get a free estimate to preserve the health and well-being of those you love.