At Independent Home Solutions, we get asked all the time about the pros and cons of assisted living v home modifications. We’re happy to answer common questions with a quick call. But here is our definitive list for everyone considering a change to their environment. Both come with their merits, but both come at a cost. Dive into our list to go deep into the pros and cons.
Assisted Living Cons
Most of the people we serve have crunched the numbers between assisted living and home modifications, and they chose quality of life over higher costs. For example, one month of care can typically cost $5,000 or more in the US! In addition to hefty financial burdens, assisted living can cost loved ones valuable time in the home they worked so hard for all those years. To preserve legacies at a lower cost than skilled care, Independent Home Solutions has plenty of options.
Hefty Additional Costs
Autonomy, privacy, and pride are all huge hidden costs for those in assisted living. In addition to social stigma, these issues compound as mental conditions evolve, such as depression or dementia. Without a sense of self, many seniors in assisted living facilities report higher levels of mental trauma and lower overall quality of life. That’s not to say everything is bad about assisted living facilities!
Assisted Living Pros
When weighing the pros and cons of assisted living v home modification, we can’t discount the common bliss that comes with not having to worry about everyday tasks that can be a hassle for seniors over time. We can’t lie; if we only had a few steps to take out our trash or a personal trainer on staff, we wouldn’t mind checking in either!

“It’s Like a Hotel!”
Imagine checking into a hotel that also happens to be your home. This seems like a dream to most 9-to-5ers! Many assisted living facilities are designed to make life easier for seniors. Without the hassle of stairs, cooking, or worrying about medical needs, many families think that checking their loved ones in is their best option. But as seniors check-in, they’re more likely to check out mentally.
Home Modification Cons
As you continue to compare assisted living v home modification, you may consider the drastic changes required to maintain your loved one’s independence. This is a common concern amongst almost every customer on the fence about modifying their home. So here’s how our pros help ease those concerns:
Damage to Your Daily Living?
The real humdinger that many consider with home modifications is their impact on their loved one’s quality of life. Our customers are living proof that when people are able to retain their independence, minimal changes to a home can result in maximum quality of life. From small changes like a railing to major improvements such as accessible showers and stairlifts, daily life is not only safer for seniors, but it’s also more enjoyable. Sure, some may grumble as we drill into a wall, but those gripes can get a lot louder if seniors have to leave their homes altogether!
Home Modification Pros
In the United States, we believe everyone has the right to independence. Freedom is important to every American, including seniors. So why take away your loved ones’ freedom if you don’t have to? The most important thing to keep in mind as you weigh the pros and cons of assisted living v home modification is retaining dignity and the common human right to independence.

Change for the Better
When was the last time you worried about your loved one living alone? As we start to take care of our parents, it’s important to allow them the same independence that they allowed you. Just as they had to baby-proof their home or paint your room that awful color you loved, homes evolve alongside families. For families that work with Independent Home Solutions, making their loved one’s home safer is just as important as baby-proofing was all those years ago.
Peace of Mind for Everyone
If you’re tired of going back and forth between assisted living v home modifications, it’s time to get the peace of mind you deserve. With less time spent worrying about your loved one’s safety, you have more time to enjoy with them comfortably and safely.
Independent Home Solutions installs home modifications for safety while instilling peace of mind for every family we serve. Get the assurance you deserve with one easy call, or start with a free estimate today.